Reading German for Fun

I have decided to try and kick my bad sf habit, these two were the two books I was reading recently and the ones which made me realise that this can't go on.
I have been listening to Banana Yoshimoto on my mobile phone, as I advise on my website,

The same director also made Spirited Away which is just a work of Genius.
It really makes me happy to be able to read such complicated German after less than a years work on learning the language.
I just tried out babel fish to see just how good or bad the machine translation would be, after all the main money generating part of my site at the moment is a translation business. It didn't do too bad. I typed in the first line from "Amrita";- Ich bin ein ziemlicher Nachmensch, deshalb komme ich meist erst nach Tagesanbruch ins Bett. And after pressing translate I got back;- I am a considerable night human being, therefore I come usually only to daybreak to bed. Not bad you can understand it and the fan of sf that still lives inside me is wondering how long the world will need human translators.
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